What do I do when I forget my ID/password for logging into My Page?

Please take the following steps when you forget your ID/password for logging into My Page. 
  1. Check your ID using the ID Re-notification.
  2. Reset or reissue your password.

ID Re-notification
Your ID for logging into My Page will be notified by email.
You can make your request via the following page.
ID Confirmation

Password Reset/Reissue
If you have forgotten your password, you need to reissue or reset your password.
The request depends on whether or not you have registered your contact email address.
  • If you have registered your contact email address with Asahi Net, reset your password.
  • If you have not registered your contact email address with Asahi Net, reissue your password.
You can make your request via the following page.
Password Reset/Reissue

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