Moving Procedure for ADSL Courses

If you wish to continue using the same FLET'S ADSL at your moving destination
Please call 116 (without area code) to take the moving procedure to decide on the transfer date of your FLET'S ADSL line. After that, change your registered information.

You can change your registered information from Check and Change Address/Telephone Number in the page below.
Check/Change the Registered Information

If you wish to change to another internet connection service at your moving destination
You are required to change to Asahi Net internet connection course which corresponds to the internet connection you wish to use at your moving destination. After that, please also change your registered information including address/telephone number.

You can change your connection course and plan from the page below.
Check/Change the Service You are Using

*Asahi Net ID and password are required to make a request online. Also, please use a browser that supports SSL.

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