Can I make calls to IP-Phone number (number starting with 050) from an IP-Phone?

You can make calls to some numbers from IP-Phone.

For IP-Phone services with VoIP platform which is interactively connected with NTT Communication and IP-Phone service with NTT-ME's VoIP platform, calls are made from IP-Phone. Call charges differ depending on the recipient's IP-Phone service or VoIP platform. Please refer to the following webpages for details.
IP-Phone-C: List of affiliated VoIP Platforms (paid service)

For other IP-Phone services, calls are made from phones using general landline.
If you are making calls to IP-Phone number (number starting with 050) from general landline, you are asked to pay the call charges prescribed by NTT East/West.
Please refer to the following page for call charges prescribed by NTT.
NTT East (Japanese)
NTT West (Japanese)

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