Am I allowed to create an X-rated or pornographic website?

It is prohibited to create an X-rated or pornographic website or contain a link to those types of websites.
If such acts are found, we may take the necessary actions including suspension of your homepage or ID (or both).

At the time of application to join Asahi Net, members agree to comply with the "Prohibited Behaviors" clause stipulated in Membership Agreements
Based on the agreement, the following types of behaviors are prohibited:

  • Putting on website contents or links therein relating to adult or pornographic goods, services or other such information.
  • The sending of unsolicited email (otherwise known as "spam").
  • Using of an Internet-connected computer without authorization.
  • Continued use of the service for high volume data communication (traffic) that significantly exceeds the average usage, and which generates excessive and detrimental loading on our network and third-party networks.

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