Asahi Net LTE ANSIM: What are the details of the speed restrictions set for Asahi Net LTE ANSIM?

The details of speed restriction are as follows: 

For 3 Giga/7 Giga/20 Giga/50 Giga Plan
If the monthly data traffic reaches its respective limit, the connection speed will be reduced to 200 kbps until the end of the current month. 
The speed restriction will be unlocked and returned to the max 262.5 Mbps speed on the next day at 12:00 a.m.

For 110 MB/Day Plan
If the daily traffic volume reaches its limit, the connection speed will be reduced to 200 kbps until the next day. 
The speed restriction will be unlocked and returned to the max 262.5 Mbps speed on the next day at 12:00 a.m.

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